
¿Û¿Û´«Ã½app FAQs

Auto glass service

Will the ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½app technician call me before he/she comes?

Yes, in most cases the technician will call before they arrive so you're expecting them.

What if the technician can’t reach me while I’m at work?

Your technician will attempt to contact all phone numbers listed on your order. If your technician cannot reach you after multiple attempts, your appointment will need to be rescheduled.

Will the keys to my vehicle need to be available for a mobile auto glass service?

Yes, the technician will need the keys to access your vehicle to confirm that all parts and options are working properly.

Does my vehicle need to be in a covered or heated area for auto glass service?

Inclement weather makes auto glass installations difficult without cover. If possible, please have shelter available.

Will I have to wait with my vehicle during mobile service?

No, you don’t need to wait with your vehicle, but please have your car keys available for the technician.

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